Monday, June 25, 2012
Transfer 5 week 2. June 25, 2012
We had a special meeting with President Wade this week where we got to say goodbye and take one final picture with him. To start the meeting he said, "You will have to excuse our breath, we went to one of the finest restaurants in the whole mission one last time." His 5 year-old daughter quickly responded with, "It was a taco truck!!!!"
Elder Mares and I didn't have a very good week prosleyting wise. We did find a new very solid investigator. She is an 8 year old that comes to church every sunday and has gotten permission from her mom to meet with us. She told us that she wants to get baptized just like her friends. We are really excited to meet with her, but.....she will be out of town for a couple of weeks so that kinda puts things off for a little bit.
We have another investigator who we have invited to be baptized. She has accepted the date of July 28th, but we we are not to sure she will be ready by that day. She has some word of wisdom issues, but what worries us the most is that she said she wants to get baptized but wants to continue to go to catholic church as well. We hope that as she starts coming to church and reads the Book of Mormon that she will be able to understand the importance of making the baptismal covenant.
Thats pretty much it for this week.
I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord's kingdom restored on earth. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that it is the evidence God has given us to know for ourselves that He has called another Prophet. I know that as we read the Book of Mormon that we come closer to God and that our testimony of the Restoration is strengthened. It is everso important that we pray to God and ask Him the questions of our soul. He can not open the windows of revelation until we ask Him to do so. I know that God is our loving Heavenly Father and that he has prepared a great and marvelous plan for us.
Elder Luis Gonzalez
Monday, June 18, 2012
Transfer 5. Week 1. June 18, 2012
And so it came to pass that in the first week of the fifth transfer, that Elder Gonzalez and Mares beheld miracles. As night slowly approached and they rested to dine, they received a phone call from a sister in the ward. She preceded to tell the Elders that her older daughter had turned 9 and would have to meet with them before she could be baptized. And as Elder Gonzalez and Mares heard these things they began to rejoice. But then the sister continued and revealed that the baptism was scheduled for Saturday morning. Immediately the billion things that had to happen before saturday morning ran thru Elder Gonzalez's head. Nevertheless the Elders rejoiced in the mercy the Lord had given them in accomplishing their goals.
As the days passed and they taught this sweet little girl they came to know of her great and already existant knowledge of the gospel. Said she when asked who God is, "God is our Heavenly Father and I pray to Him every night because I love Him." The day of her baptismal interview arrived and she passed in a matter of 20 minutes. It came to passs that on Saturday morning her dad arrived and baptized her, however we see that the devil will stop at nothing to hindr the work of God. The key to the baptismal font and baptismal clothes was hidden from their sights. Miracoulsy a counselor in the Stake Presidency arrived and gave them about 60 keys to try on the door. As the Elders frantically searched for the keys the time for the baptism to start came and went. The font was finally opened and the filliing of it commenced immedately. However the quest to get the baptismal clothes continued. And then finally after all other keys had been exhausted, the last key came forth and was put into the door. And then the Elders and the family rejoiced as they heard a "click!"
However the font was nowhere near full. But because 9 year olds are quite small it mattered not.
Then Sunday morning came and the father of this little girl asked Elder Gonzalez if he could confer the Gift of the Holy Ghost to his daughter. Being deeply honored Elder Gonzalez happily performed the ordinance. Then after church this little girl ran up to the Elders and excitedly told them "I paid my tithing today!"
And thuis we see that the Lord will bless both the his children that are served and the servant.
So that was pretty much my week.
President Wade says his good byes this week in a special Zone Meeting on Wednesday. Time goes by so swift out here!
Hope all is well!
Elder Luis Gonzalez
Monday, June 11, 2012
Transfer 4 Week 6 June 6, 2012
And it came to pass that in the 6th week of the 4th transfer
that Elder Gonzalez received transfer calls!!! And it came to pass that the
Spirit of the Lord (or the Mission President, same thing really) has called him
to stay and serve in the Half Moon Bay Ward! As for his companion.....It hath
pleased the Lord to allow, for the first time in 6 months, Elder Gonzalez to
actually keep his companion, Elder Mares. (Not really much of a surprise)
So as the summer
season starts, Elder Gonzalez and Mares have seen the wilderness of Half Moon
Bay intensify (it got to a blistering 82 degrees :p) as the creatures known as
children/teenager have been released from those cages that have school written
on them. And as the creatures accumulate to the beaches, they find themselves
stuck in the traffic storms, even on weekdays!
As they began this
week they failed to have much success and had lots of canceled appointments. But
as it neared the end of the week they did not lose their hope and continued to
press forward in the great work. And it came to pass that the Lord blessed them
for their faith and persistence. In a matter of days they found 4 new
investigators and were able to call them to repentance (also known as teaching
them and inviting them to live the gospel). And thus we see that the Lord will
bless those that keep their eye single to the glory of God and continually
press forward.
I'm not sure if the
above account was what the Lord meant when he said the we should continually
treasure up the words of eternal life, but I do know that it is quite fun to
tell stories in Book of Mormon language. I am really happy that i finally get
to keep to keep a companion for more than 6 weeks. We truly had a miraculous
week as we put our trust in the Lord and went to work. Sadly, none of our new
investigators came to church, but we think that a couple of them are truly
interested and will really want to progress in the Gospel.
We found out who are
new mission president will be. President and Sister Meredith from Payson, Utah!
They are currently in the MTC and will be here by the end of the month. They
were serving a mission on the east coast when they got a call from the First Presidency.
So they will be serving for 4 years! Can't wait to meet them!
Last P-Day I went to
China Town in San Francisco! One of the craziest places I have ever been! We
must've had at least 5 crazy people stop and talk to us. Every corner has a
store and they all sell the same things. Some lady was passing out some poster
about the Chinese black market and then we had Elder Kwok with his knowledge of
Cantonese order food for us at the restaurant we ate at.
That’s all for now!!!!
Elder Luis Gonzalez
Monday, June 4, 2012
Transfer 4 Week 5- June 4, 2012
We had a tough, tough week. We only taught a handful of lessons
and were able to find no new investigators. We talked to tons of people and
were able to set up several return appointments but they were never home when
we went back! It’s quite frustrating. If these people only understood what we
have to offer them!!!!!!
So although the calendar says June, the weather tells me otherwise. This week was super foggy and I had to wear a sweater when we were tracting and I need like a billion blankets when I sleep at night. Yesterday was Stake Conference and we had a Seventy presiding. Elder Higham was his name. He asked me where I was from and when I told him he replied with, "So Elder Gonzalez, do you miss the sunshine?"
The California San Francisco West Stake is a very diverse stake. In the scriptures we read about the gathering of Israel from the four corners of the earth. I always thought of that as a symbolic gathering and never gave it much more thought. But yesterday I had a truly remarkable experience in stake conference. For the congregational hymn we sang Called To Serve, but we sang it in 6 verses. We sang the first verse in English, the second verse in Tagalog, the third verse in Samoan, the fourth verse in Mandarin Chinese, the fifth verse in Spanish, and the sixth in English. 5 different languages in one stake!!! That is truly amazing. I know that the gathering of Israel is not only occurring, but is well under way. The love God has for his children is truly extending to all the world.
That’s pretty much it for this week! Good Luck to Elder Kyle Krause entering the MTC this week.
Elder Luis Gonzalez
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