Brothers and Sisters!!!!!
I love it here so much!!! The people are so nice and the weather is perfect! Although we did get some crazy fog the other night!
My companion is Elder Pettit from Las Vegas and he is an awesome trainer. We are serving the Richmond 1st ward which is a Spanish speaking ward. We are on bikes so luckily there aren't to many crazy hills in our area. Luckily I was a runner so I'm not too sore at the end of each night. (side story: I was art Target buying lights for my bike when I heard Taylor Swift music playing and it just felt so weird and out of place.)
My first day here, all the new missionaries went out to lunch with the President Wade (who is the coolest mission president ever!!!!). It was some crazy Chinese restaurant. I decided to be brave and try the frog legs. They weren't bad at all! Then we went back to the Mission and walked over to the temple and walked up to the top and President told us the story of how he got called to be the mission president. We met his wife who is pregnant and is due some time this month and his 2 daughters, Ashley who is 6 and likes hitting the missionaries, and Rachel who is in 8th grade. We didn't get to meet his son Trevor who is a junior in high school.
The people here in Richmond are so nice, I love talking to them and getting to know them. Everyone is so respectful and for the most part are really easy to talk to. We've met so many potential investigators just by talking to people on the street and by knocking doors. The people here have so much faith and truly love God are are trying to serve the best they can.
Yesterday we baptized this sister named Nieves. She is from Honduras but she is also black. Her ancestors were brought over during the slave trade. She is one of the most fun people I've ever met. And she has the craziest stories. She mas being interviewed by President Wade and she took up an hour and a half just telling him all these crazy stories. She was so happy at her baptism and it reminded me of my own baptism. I know she is going to be a great member! Afterwards we took pictures at the temple (we had to go top the baptismal font near the temple because the Richmond building doesn't have one). We are teaching these two brothers Lupe and Salvador, the both have baptismal dates and if they are able to keep commitments they will be baptized in the next couple of weeks!!!!
The field is truly white all ready to harvest!!!!!
Elder Luis Gonzalez
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