The weather has decided to rain on us again!!!!
I've been getting use to Elder Rodriguez. Its crazy how different missionary work is just because you have a new companion. He's only been out since July, and has just been called as the district leader, so we both are doing some adjustments. Although we are doing pretty good at reaching our weekly goals.
Its crazy to think that I have been a missionary for two months now!!!!! I find myself experiencing tons of "oh, I'm a missionary now" moments. But also I'm starting to have "I can't imagine not being a missionary" moments.
The people of Richmond continue to brighten my days with their crazy comments and ideas.
One of the hardest things about being a missionary is having this great and wonderful news and finding someone who is willing to let you share it. Then you invite them to read and pray to know if what you teach is true and then they say they will.......and then you comeback a couple days later and they haven't even read!!!! And then we ask why not and they always say "I'm too busy". How sad!!! There we are as Representatives of the Savior Himself, inviting them to be healed in Christ, and they say they are too busy. I'm sure the Lord feels the same way about me all the time:
"Elder Gonzalez if you only did this I could bless you!"
"Lord I'm too busy, there's not enough time"
I hope everyone is doing great!
Elder Luis Gonzalez
P.S. Someone let me know how Taylor Swift is doing!!! I have no idea what she's done for two months!!!!
ha Taylor Swift! ha!