Its one of those weeks where everything went right except the most important thing.
Donaldo who had a baptismal date, refused to set a time for his interview so we had to drop his date. Made me so sad...I did a baptismal interview for the sisters in my district, Hermana Ivey and Hermana Hunsaker. Her last name was Gonzalez and she had also moved from Arizona! It was such a blessing to get to hear her simple testimony!We tracted on a street where we had been told "its all mexicans here!" That guy is a liar. I talked to a guy from Hong Kong and a bunch of black people and even a white family. But only one latino.We taught the Carrada family who is super prepared for baptism!!!!!!!!!!! But the Husband is avoiding us for some reason. Every time we go by he is either asleep or not home.On the other hand the Mejia family is doing great! They have committed to the 9th of June for their baptism. They have gone without coffee for almost a week, the husband more. We are giving them as much support as we can so that they don't fall back into the temptation.
At district meeting I gave a language training on "The Subjunctive" and how to use it in spanish!I went on exchanges with Elder Bradford in his area (West Oakland). That part of town is so different! I feel out of place over there! But we had a great day!!!! Tons of latinos found and talked to!I had one of the craziest lessons of my my mission. The mom of the investigators answered the door and she told us for about 15 minutes that she didn't like our church because of the Book of Mormon. But she finally let us in and she even joined in the lesson with her family. We taught the plan of salvation and needless to say they had questions at every step of the way. They even had tons of questions that were off topic such as "Do you work?" "Do you have a girlfriend?" But i think my favorite part was when we taught the kingdoms of glory and one of the investigators said "The celestial kingdom, I'm nearly good enough to go there!" and her brother replied "No, you still have to die!"
Sunday right before church we had a lesson with Alberto our recent convert and his children where we were prompted to invite them to be baptized and they said YES!!!!!!!! I'm so happy!!!!!!Yesterday at the Interstake auditorium there was some orchestra star wars things going on. We saw these two guys having a light saber fight in the gym after church.Well thats all from the Center Stake of Zion!
Sincerely,Élder Luis González
P.S. My next pday is next wednesday, whenever we go to the temple, that becomes our pday, so you wont here from me til then!
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