My new companion is Elder Mares! He is originally from Veracruz, Mexico, but was living in Los Angles when he got his mission call. He is 21 and he and his direct family are converts! I think it is amazing that all of my companions but 1 have been Latino. It is a true testament of the growth of the Church.
This week has been different than any other thus far. It’s quite a great responsibility to have someone ask you about every little thing you do, to have someone follow your example even though you think you are nowhere near where the Lord wants you to be, to have someone ask you to help them become better when you yourself need all the help you can get.
Despite this scariness of this great and awesome responsibility I continue to get up each morning and just do what I know. In that sense I feel like Nephi. It truly is a hard thing which the Lord has asked me to do. But I can either be like Laman and Lemuel and just complain or I can be like Nephi and say, I will go and do the things which the Lord has commanded me, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandment unto the children of men save he shall prepare a way for them to accomplish it.
So that was my week in a nutshell. Hope all is well back home!
Elder Luis Gonzalez
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