We got really excited when we knocked a door and the man let us right in to teach him. We had an awesome lesson and at the end we invited him to be baptized. The Spirit was so strong! But finally he told us that this was all knew to him and it seemed like a lot to take in. It was very disappointing when he didn't invite us back.
Mother's day was pretty much like any other day except that all the church meetings before sacrament got canceled and I got to call my mom!!!!! Oh and I wore my favorite yellow tie!
Yesterday we drove all the way down to La Honda to teach a former investigator and her less active husband. It is about a 45 minute drive along Highway 1 with a view of the beach the whole way. One day when I am no longer a missionary I will return and enjoy the beaches that everyone describes as "freezing" along with the endless fog that we have here. We parked our car on a street the other day and then walked to our lesson. When we came out we spent about 15 minutes looking for the car. The fog was so thick that we passed the street that the car was parked on. And because all the streets look exactly the same (especially at 9pm with fog) we were convinced that the car had gotten towed. I think the thought of President Wade getting mad (when not really mad, President doesn't get mad, just disappointed) about our towed car was scarier than having to walk 30 minutes back to our apartment.
Elder Luis Gonzalez
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